Running in line with some of my other recent pedagogy posts, I've been considering my place within the Academy, what I'm doing, what's it worth, and where am I going. My over-arching thought for this one boys and girls?
How does one go about crafting the "persona" of teacher/instructor?
I say this because I do have ambitions of teaching at a college level at some point, but I wonder, how do I start. The obvious answer I think is: emulate what you know. While I think this is a very useful approach, I think that there must be more to it, it must be expanded upon. But then I wonder, how much of this initial influence will be inescapable?
Part of why I say all this is that I understand that poetry is intimidating for students, let alone trying to learn about it. Let alone the intimidation of trying to teach the stuff. I understand that part of a teacher's hope is to inspire/motivate -insert appropriate verbiage here- their students such that they begin to explore on their own. One moment that still resonates for me during my time as an undergrad was a moment in which Dr. Fraser explained the Modernist zeitgeist in literally that, one single moment. Throwing a stapler against the wall, Dr. Fraser explained that in the same way as these fragments of metal and plastic could never be fitted together perfectly, Modernists felt the same, and that any attempt to do some was simply, that a faulty attempt to form what can't be formed. Anyway, enough of my ramble. I'm curious to see what you guys think, especially you high school teachers.
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