Monday, August 23, 2010

Junkyard Quotes 8-23-10 Wk 2

Just because you feel it, doesn't mean it's there...

-Thom York, Radiohead

It wasn't actually a hostile takeover. Delta just bought everything with a Northwest logo, gutted the operation like a fish and told the unlucky ones to hit the bricks.

-My uncle in response to a discussion concerning the Delta/Northwest merger

Altheia, Altheia
Don't let them put the blame on you.
What seems so bad now,
could easily change for the better.

-Robin Trower

We wove ourselves into the terrain [...] Chameleons crawled our spines.

-Yusef Komunyakaa, "Camoflaging the Chimera"

**While most of these are instances of pop-culture, I still feel drawn to them for some reason that I can't accurately explain. Maybe it's my bias in terms of individual taste, but I still feel like there is something in these words that I've yet to tap into.**

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